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Monday, July 25, 2016

5 Ways to Impress Buyers with Your Front Landscape

How can you wow buyers with your front landscape? I have five easy tips for catching the wandering eye:

  1. Cut the grass. The last thing a buyer wants is to feel like they’re on safari while walking up to your house. This means that the lawnmower needs to come out at least every other week, even in dry climates such as ours.
  2. Plant more shade trees. This one is especially important here in Southern California. Shade trees not only appeal to the buyer’s aesthetic, but they also help you with your cooling costs during the summer months.

    Keeping the outside clean implies
    that you take care of the inside, too.

  3. Install outdoor lighting. This is one of the most beneficial ways to allow people to see what your property looks like at night when they’re doing drive-bys to check out the neighborhood. Include a design concept that accentuates your plants and your front walkway.
  4. Add more color. Don’t be afraid to use flowers. Perennials are the best choice because they are low maintenance and year-round. Color attracts the eyes in a positive way and demonstrates that you’ve been taking care of the property.
  5. Keep everything clean. Regardless of whatever landscape you have, keeping the outside clean implies to the buyer that you know how to keep the inside clean, too.

If there is a point or topic I haven’t yet discussed that you would like me to talk about, give me a call or shoot me an email and I’d be happy to discuss it with you at our next session.